Hello my little ponies, it's Cole just stopping in to see how everyone is doing, I hope you all had a great Hearths Warming eve, I spent mine at the Canterlot play watching Ms. Twilight and her friends acting in the pageant, it was a wonderful show, too bad though Trains kinda scare me so the ride to Canterlot wasn't that fun for me.. But it's almost time for the New Year, and then Winter Wrap-up, one of my favorite festivals! I'll see everypony later Bye!
~ Cole Luxus
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Sunday, December 25, 2011
The Reading
Hello ponies, after checking my e-mails I've come across absolutely nothing...so instead of reading them, I'll send my own Hearth Warming's wishes myself.
This is our holiday season, everypony will be singing songs and spreading the magic of friendship all across Equestria, as your local Librarian and Organizer I wish you all a fulfilling and happy holiday season, keep your eyes on this blog and always be true to yourselves and prepare for a new year, make a resolution and work your hardest to make it happen
This is our holiday season, everypony will be singing songs and spreading the magic of friendship all across Equestria, as your local Librarian and Organizer I wish you all a fulfilling and happy holiday season, keep your eyes on this blog and always be true to yourselves and prepare for a new year, make a resolution and work your hardest to make it happen
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
The 15th Post - Hearth's Warming
This is our 15th post ponies, I hope your all keeping your eyes on the blog, because soon to come will be another Ponyville tradition, Hearth's Warming's Eve, a special time of year where the ponies celebrate the unity between the races and the founding of Equestria, I for one believe in equality, as between my friends and I we are evened out in races, we have myself and Rarity as the Unicorns, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy as Pegusi, and Pinkie Pie and Applejack as Earth Ponies!
Isn't that great??
Anyways...before I get off topic, for the upcoming event I'm asking all the viewers to send in their Hearth's warming wishes and I'll read them on Hearth's Warming night, (December 25th Actual Time) and hope that I too can spread the joy of this most wonderful of holidays!
send your letters to cuteminccino@gmail.com and help me spred the joy of the holiday season!
Be sure to start your posts with "Dear Twilight Sparkle" or something similar to that, the clock is ticking ponies, be sure to proofread your letter before sending it.
Saturday, December 10, 2011
More Study! (Spoilers)
Todays event has made me come to realise while I may be well read, I haven't read enough about Dragoncare, I never knew that if a Dragon was greedy it would cause him/her to grow at an unatural and speedy pace, I also need to remember to involve more lessons and lectures that do not promote greed to keep this problem from happening again.
It was my fault this happened to begin with, I shouldn't have let him wander the town without a guide or this could have been avoided, I hope the citizens of Ponyville are willing to forgive us for all the damage we caused...
~Twilight Sparkle
It was my fault this happened to begin with, I shouldn't have let him wander the town without a guide or this could have been avoided, I hope the citizens of Ponyville are willing to forgive us for all the damage we caused...
~Twilight Sparkle
Saturday, December 3, 2011
Happy Birthday To Me!
What a wonderful day it is everypony, it's my birthday, yay! I had a wonderful party in Canterlot, my friends and I all had a blast...I couldn't be happier to have made such wonderful friends, and Rarity learned a valuable lesson today too, mainly to get her priorities straight...the princess told me all about it earlier last night...
I got a nice, simplistic dress that truly suited me, and I even got to see what a regal party was like...I don't think I could find myself among those upper class ponies, especially with the kind of friends I have, I'd rather have a party in a fancy place I don't belong in then not have a party at all...I would have even been find just partying in an alley...be sure to wish me happy birthday everypony and maybe give me a few dance moves...I'm not really good on my hoofs. see below
I got a nice, simplistic dress that truly suited me, and I even got to see what a regal party was like...I don't think I could find myself among those upper class ponies, especially with the kind of friends I have, I'd rather have a party in a fancy place I don't belong in then not have a party at all...I would have even been find just partying in an alley...be sure to wish me happy birthday everypony and maybe give me a few dance moves...I'm not really good on my hoofs. see below
Thursday, December 1, 2011
Good Morning!
Good morning everypony! It's a bright new day even if it's a little nippy, the birds are chirping and ponies are just waking up to enjoy the new day! unfortunatly...I'm not ready to enjoy it, after a night of study I'm tired and hungry, and I just can't think on an empty stumach I'm preparing a new friendship report for anypony wanting to read it...
Well friends, I need my beauty sleep, be sure to keep a close eye on the blog.
Well friends, I need my beauty sleep, be sure to keep a close eye on the blog.
Monday, November 28, 2011
Hooray Wintertime!
Time certainly does fly, I hope everypony is getting all bundled up in Ponyville, because Winter is coming, but the real task isn't surviving the snow and ice, the real challenge comes after it all during the Winter-Wrap Up, a tradition I had my hoofs in last year, but I didn't do very well...I tried many things so eager to help another pony out, but nothing was really up my alley.
Until I was able to use my polished organization skills to get the entire thing back in order...even though I was one of the biggest causes for the tardiness I took initiative and charge and set it all back into motion!
The history of this tradition leads back to olden pony times where there was no magic in Ponyville only normal Earth Ponies living below the great Canterlot Castle, the Unicorns of Canterlot always changed the seasons using their magic while the less fortunate Ponies below in Ponyville had no magic to change their seasons, upon my arrival I thought it to be confusing and different, but Earth Ponies were already following a way to improvise the lack of magic.
They would work together, creating carriages and the toughest ponies would pull them, working alongside the Pegasus race who would clear the clouds and let the sunshine in... *Chuckle* well that reminds me of a little song that the Ponies all sang that day..I'd better post that at the end of this.
Together they would be able to prepare Ponyville for the warm embrace of Spring, but the recent years before my arrival were wrought with arguments and a lack of organization, arguments and faulty direction had left Ponyville in a state of...tardiness! how horrible! because of that everypony didn't get a chance to enjoy themselves for a while longer...and that in my opinion was a disaster...I knew I had to help them get back on a neat and organized schedule!
And to repay my debts I became all-team orginizer, one of the best jobs I could ever ask for...setting in motion the proper tasks to lead us right to our deadline, and this year I will do the same, so make sure if you see me wearing my green and blue vest to update me on anything out of place or in disarray.
Your loving friend, and all-team organizer: Twilight Sparkle
Updating My Posts
Hello again everypony this is another update, I found my black font to be a bit bland and colorless so...continued posts from here on will be in one of my absolute favorite colors, I also plan to post more videos in reference to myself and friends during reports, alright then, next report will be the last for today.
Hello everypony, I'm very sorry I haven't been around lately, I was just so wrapped up in a report about how and when our home of Equestria came into existence, and how come there are only two known Alicorns among us.
I hope everypony is still checking back regularly for updated posts, I'm very grateful for those who are still sticking around, today's report is about the surprising pet Rainbow Dash received after a truly amazing competition of strength, speed, and guts, as well as coolness.
Tank his name is, an old tortoise who wanted to do anything to get a nice home to live out his remaining days, after Ghastly Gorge had an avalanche Rainbow Dash was trapped under dangerous rocks, oh my. but she was thankfully saved by her Tortoise, no better way to make a proper friend if you ask me.
I hope everypony is still checking back regularly for updated posts, I'm very grateful for those who are still sticking around, today's report is about the surprising pet Rainbow Dash received after a truly amazing competition of strength, speed, and guts, as well as coolness.
Tank his name is, an old tortoise who wanted to do anything to get a nice home to live out his remaining days, after Ghastly Gorge had an avalanche Rainbow Dash was trapped under dangerous rocks, oh my. but she was thankfully saved by her Tortoise, no better way to make a proper friend if you ask me.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Hello everypony, I'd like to apologize for our lack of posts here lately, we've been so very busy with other problems, but I would like to assure you, we've not dropped you all, and we will update as often as we can.
We are Sorry for the Delay, And hope to see Everypony very soon.
~ Cole
We are Sorry for the Delay, And hope to see Everypony very soon.
~ Cole
Nightmare Night (Spoilers)
Hello everypony I hope you enjoyed our special Nightmare Night this year, and weren't too scared by Princess Luna, I was happy to see a little colt named Pipsqueak enjoying his very first Nightmare Night, it reminds me of my younger days....what did you all dress as? I was Starswirl The Bearded, but nopony really understood who that was...it's a shame that a great colt like Starswirl is forgotten in Ponyville, my next post will be all about him for those ponies who are curious...
This year was most likely the best Nightmare Night ever, and I have done my research into this holiday.
Nightmare Night was most likely started around the time Princess Luna became corrupted many years ago and transformed into Nightmare Moon since then after she was sealed they made a holiday in dedication, little colts and fillies would dress up in costumes to hide from Nightmare Moon, I remember I used to think I'd be eaten if I didn't make my own costume *Chuckles*
They would go door to door and ask for candy while other ponies like Rainbow Dash are more into scaring and pulling pranks, there are games set up for anypony to play, everypony has a wonderful time while offering candy to Nightmare Moon, well Princess Luna now...so that she wouldn't gobble them up...I had no clue they weren't literal...I might need to brush up on my ability to identify a joke.
I am happy to report though, this year went well and nopony was hurt, that is the good thing, and nothing felt better then to do what I do best...LECTURE!! and I can't wait until next year, in closing I think I need a new costume...something more recognizable, like Princess Luna.
Friday, October 14, 2011
Dear Cole Luxus
Dear my faithful assistant Cole Luxus:
I am impressed with your organization skills and assistance in my library, please remember not to try to overshadow Spike during the day, and don't ever worry about upsetting me, my friends can tell you I am a nice pony and arguments can never really cause me to hate anypony for too long, I hope you will continue to work aside me, and I hope your enjoying your job, like I've been enjoying your company
Friendship Report - Applejack
Dear all the ponies reading my report, I want to tell you all about my friend Applejack, she is one of the first Earth Ponies I met when I arrived in Ponyville, this is my report since I've known her for this long
Applejack is a orange earth pony with freckles and a braided mane and tail, both a bleached blonde, she also wears around a brown cowgirl hat and her eyes are an Emerald Green, her element is of Honesty, and her cutie mark is of three shiny red apples in a triangle, she works and lives in Sweet Apple Acres, the best place to get Apples and Apple-Related products, and ranch, raising cows for milk sale.
Applejack talks with a thick southern accent and lives with her big brother Big Macintosh, her grandmother Granny Smith, and her little sister Applebloom, and she's always willing to help another pony out, but doesn't seem to take favors easily, but despite her pride she's always been there when I needed advice, or any of my friends, I remember how she proved her honesty to me, it was not long after I learned about the Elements Of Harmony did a cliff collapse below my friends and I, unable to hold onto a crumbling ledge I was certain I wouldn't be getting out of that situation unharmed...
As I felt my grip loosen, and Applejack grabbed my hoofs, looked me in the eyes, and told me to let go...at first I didn't believe her, but her face told me all I needed to know and I let go...to be caught by Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, I knew from then on I could trust Applejack, even with my own life...a good lesson about honesty.
Applejack doesn't speak the same as my friends and I, and she's certainly stronger then I am, but she tends to anger quicker then the others, arguing with Rarity and Rainbow Dash over simple things like petty actions, she also does get competitive in athletic feats, but her flaws don't bother me, another thing she does often is cross her front legs as if to take a bow, or when she catches somepony in a lie, I love her like my sister, and I'm sure she feels the same...
Applejack's talent is Applebucking and she's done it ever since she returned home from Manehatten after her relatives literally drove her apples...that would explain why she doesn't think too much of Rarity's actions...I've witnessed her abilities ever since I met her, and taught her that you can accept help from your friends, so now and then the girls and I help when Applebucking season comes around...
In conclusion Applejack is an honest pony, strong and dependable, quick to anger, but quicker to make up, hardened Applebucker and wonderful friend to everypony...
Friendship Report - Applejack By: Twilight Sparkle.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
The First Post
Ever since I first came from Canterlot I've learned about so many traditions that we didn't have back at home, it feels good to get your hoofs dirty instead of letting magic change everything for you, Spike seems really excited too, I have a feeling this will be fun, no major news to report today I hope all you curious ponies will keep your eyes out.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Thank you for stopping by the Ponyville Library, And home of Ms. Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia's star pupil, this is where we will archive all letters and other notes to Celestia, and all Ponies across Equestria.
My name is Cole Luxus, Casey to friends. Below is a picture of me. I am here to help Ms. Twilight and anypony else who wishes to visit the Library during hours. Have a good day, Happy Reading.
~ Cole Luxus
My name is Cole Luxus, Casey to friends. Below is a picture of me. I am here to help Ms. Twilight and anypony else who wishes to visit the Library during hours. Have a good day, Happy Reading.
~ Cole Luxus
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